Thursday, 4 June 2015


So I've been on an amazing trip to California this month. We drove down the coast starting in San Francisco and finishing in LA. There was so much I was looking forward to on our trip but Alcatraz was definitely top 3!!  
It might have had something to do with the gorgeous Californian blue sky coming out just as we were traveling over to the island but I have to say I really enjoyed it!! I found the island bright and full of life. There was some beautiful flowers growing in broken shell's of building's like the Warden's house and there were birds everywhere! There was a audio tour of the main cell house which I found really interesting. It's definitely worth a visit. 

 Our first view of Alcatraz
Inside the main cell house

  A view of the city 

 The warden's house

 The Islands Light house and the Warden's house at the top of the Island

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Landscapes of Iceland

I went to Iceland for my birthday in March. It's an amazing country. There's the most stunning views everywhere you go. I took a crazy amount of photo's so i'm going to break them up into sections. The first is Landscapes. We drove around the western peninsular and many of the photos below where taken there. Each stop felt like we were only just scratching the surface. What we really needed to do was to spend hours and hours exploring and discovering each new beach, mountain or town. But we only had short amount of time to fit everything in so a quick stop at each place would have to do this time round.  
 The view from my room at the Hotel Búðir. 

The sun during the eclipse. The sky has a funny kind of twilight. 

Iceland is such a beautiful country. I would definitely go back. Maybe to explore the Eastern side next time.